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黎巴嫩共和国(阿拉伯语:الجمهورية اللبنانية;英语:Republic of Lebanon),简称黎巴嫩。位于亚洲西南部地中海东岸,东部和北部与叙利亚接壤,南部与以色列(边界未划定)为邻,西濒地中海,习惯上称为中东国家,首都贝鲁特,全国分8个省,国土面积10452平方公里,人口约607万(2020年),绝大多数为阿拉伯人。








A high-definition painting showcasing the iconic Raouche Rocks in Beirut, Lebanon, during sunset. The scene captures the famous Pigeon Rocks, a natural landmark, with waves crashing against them. The sky is painted in vibrant shades of orange, pink, and purple as the sun dips below the horizon. In the foreground, the silhouette of a traditional Lebanese fishing boat can be seen, adding a touch of local culture to the serene landscape. The painting embodies the beauty and tranquility of Beirut's coastline.




A breathtaking, high-definition painting of the Baalbek Roman Ruins in Lebanon. The scene is set during a warm, golden hour, casting a soft light over the ancient columns and stone structures. The Temple of Jupiter, with its grandiose columns, stands majestically against a backdrop of a clear blue sky. The detailed foreground shows tourists marveling at the historic site, capturing the awe and wonder that the ruins inspire. The lush greenery surrounding the ruins adds a vibrant contrast to the stone, highlighting the fusion of natural beauty and historic grandeur.




A high-definition painting depicting the serene beauty of Byblos, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, located in Lebanon. The artwork captures a panoramic view of the ancient Phoenician port during a calm, clear day. Traditional Lebanese houses with their distinctive red-tiled roofs are nestled among ancient ruins, and the vibrant blue of the Mediterranean Sea forms the backdrop. Local fishermen are seen tending to their colorful boats along the shoreline, adding life and authenticity to the historic scene.




A captivating high-definition painting of the Cedars of God forest in Lebanon, an iconic tourist attraction. The artwork portrays the majestic and ancient cedar trees, with their distinctive silhouettes, under the soft glow of a setting sun. The golden light filters through the dense canopy, casting a magical ambiance over the scene. The forest floor is depicted with intricate detail, showing the rich undergrowth and the rugged terrain of the region. In the distance, a group of visitors can be seen walking along a path, dwarfed by the grandeur of the towering cedars.




An enchanting high-definition painting capturing the essence of Jeita Grotto, one of Lebanon's most famous scenic spots. The artwork showcases the grotto's majestic limestone caves, illuminated by soft, ethereal light that reveals the intricate stalactites and stalagmites. The reflections on the crystal-clear subterranean lake create a mesmerizing effect, enhancing the cave's mystical atmosphere. A small, wooden boat can be seen gently gliding over the water, carrying visitors in awe of the natural wonder. The painting beautifully conveys the tranquility and awe-inspiring beauty of this natural marvel.




A detailed high-definition painting depicting the historic site of Anjar, one of Lebanon's famous historical sites. The artwork showcases the Umayyad-era ruins with their unique architectural features, set against a backdrop of the majestic Anti-Lebanon mountains. The ruins are bathed in the warm light of a setting sun, casting long shadows and highlighting the intricate details of the stone arches and walls. In the foreground, a group of historians and tourists can be seen exploring the site, adding a dynamic human element to the ancient landscape.

