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土耳其共和国(土耳其语:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti;英语:The Republic of Türkiye),简称土耳其,是一个横跨亚欧大陆两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。土耳其地理位置和地缘政治战略意义极为重要,是连接欧亚的十字路口,首都安卡拉,国土面积78.36万平方公里,人口8468万(2021年12月),土耳其族占80%以上,库尔德族约占15%,全国共分为81个省。








A vibrant painting capturing the iconic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Türkiye. The artwork showcases this architectural marvel from a front angle, emphasizing its massive domes and minarets against a dramatic sunset sky. The surrounding area is bustling with activity, with locals and tourists alike admiring the building and the adjacent park filled with lush greenery. The painting is rich in detail, highlighting the Hagia Sophia's intricate design and historical significance as a symbol of the city's rich cultural heritage. The colors are warm and inviting, creating a contrast between the ancient structure and the modern life that surrounds it.




A stunning painting depicting the magical landscape of Cappadocia, Türkiye, during sunrise. The scene is filled with dozens of colorful hot air balloons floating gently over the unique fairy chimneys and the rugged, rocky landscape. The warm hues of the sunrise cast a soft glow over the entire valley, highlighting the natural beauty and the whimsical atmosphere of this tourist attraction. The sky is a canvas of light pinks, oranges, and purples, complementing the vibrant colors of the balloons. This artwork captures the essence of adventure and the timeless allure of Cappadocia's landscapes.




An artistic representation of the Ephesus ancient city ruins in Türkiye, capturing the grandeur of the Library of Celsus and the surrounding archaeological site. The painting depicts a clear day, with the sun casting shadows that accentuate the intricate details of the columns, statues, and facades. Visitors are scattered throughout the site, marveling at the history and magnitude of the ruins. The background features the lush greenery of the Turkish landscape, providing a vivid contrast to the stone relics. This artwork conveys a sense of timelessness and the enduring legacy of the ancient world in modern-day Türkiye.




A picturesque painting of the enchanting Sumela Monastery, perched on the side of a steep cliff in the forests of Trabzon, Türkiye. The artwork captures the Monastery's extraordinary architecture and its harmonious integration into the natural landscape. The lush greenery of the surrounding forest contrasts beautifully with the aged stone walls of the Monastery, while a soft mist adds a mystical atmosphere to the scene. The intricate details of the Monastery's façades are highlighted, with monks and visitors depicted in the foreground, exploring the serene and spiritual environment. The painting evokes a sense of peace, isolation, and the profound history of this sacred site.




A breathtaking painting capturing the serene beauty of Lake Van, the largest lake in Türkiye, during a tranquil sunset. The artwork showcases the vast expanse of the lake, with its crystal-clear blue waters reflecting the vibrant colors of the setting sun. The surrounding landscape is a mix of rugged mountains and lush vegetation, creating a stunning contrast with the peaceful lake. A traditional wooden boat is seen gently floating, with a lone figure admiring the picturesque scene. The painting is a testament to the natural beauty of Türkiye's landscapes, evoking a sense of calmness and wonder.




An evocative painting of the ancient city of Troy, located in what is now modern-day Türkiye. This artwork captures the legendary walls and gates of Troy, with the famous wooden horse in the foreground. The scene is set during twilight, casting long shadows and highlighting the intricate details of the ruins and the horse. The landscape around the city is depicted as a blend of rugged terrain and sparse vegetation, emphasizing the historical and mythical significance of the site. Figures can be seen exploring the ruins, adding a sense of scale and awe to the painting. The artwork beautifully merges history, legend, and the natural beauty of Türkiye.

